Science & Studies

An overview of all published studies and poster presentations of the Fascia-ReleaZer is presented here.






The science behind the Fascia-ReleaZer was presented in form of oral and poster presentation at the following congresses:


2018 5th Fascia Research Congress, Berlin, Germany

2017 BFE 19th Meeting, Aveiro, Portugal

2016 9th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain, Singapore

2016 4th European Fascia Congress, Wemmel, Belgien

2016 International Congress for Integrative Medicine and Health, Stuttgart, Germany

2016 British Fascia Symposium, Worcester, United Kingdom

2016 Congress for Dance Medicine, Dresden, Germany

2015 Fascia Research Congress, Washington DC, USA

With the following scientists this studies were conducted:

Dr. biol. hum. Robert Schleip, Fascia researcher, Institute for Applied Physiology, University Ulm, Germany, Director of the Fascia Research Project

Prof. Dr. med. Niels Birbaumer, Stress and Pain Researcher, Institute for Medical Psychology, University Tübingen, Germany

Prof. Dr. Frank Andrasik, Pain Researcher, Chair of the Department of Clinical Psychology, University Memphis, USA

Prof. Dr. Richard Gevirtz, Stress researcher, Institute for Clinical Psychology, University Alliant, California, USA

Prof. Dr. Pedro José Montoya Jiménez, Pain researcher, University Isles Baleares, Mallorca, Spain

Dr. med. Jan VagedesScientific director of the ARCIM Institute, Filiderklinik, Stuttgart, Germany
